English teacher: Write an essay on Corona virus.
Math teacher:  if COVID is equal to 1 then find the 9.
Biology teacher: Define Corona Virus and state two ways of avoiding it.
Moral Instructions:  How many of u participated in the online services during the pandemic.
Social Studies:  Define social distancing.
Chemistry teacher:  State  all your body reactions during the lockdown.
Agri teacher:  Describe the importance of agriculture, during the lockdown against spread of Corona Virus?
Physics teacher:  If Corona virus existed in 2020 then why was it described it as COVID-19 instead of COVID-20, using Newton's law of motion.
Fine Art teacher: draw corona virus in your drawing book.
Music teacher: How many people composed music using corona virus. And play one on a key board.
Literature teacher: Which figure of speech was used most during the period of corona virus.
Economics teacher:    Draw a curve to show how the rise of corona led to increase in demand for hand sanitizer and face mask.
Accounting teacher:  How much was donated to fight Covid 19, how much was spent and how much is remaining.
History teacher: Covid-19 started in which year and what country.
Geography teacher: on an outlined map of the world, show the various countries affected by corona virus.

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